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Episode Count: 19
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
7762 AW1.121 Sat 01 10:55 11:00 00:05:00 0 Welcome to the BSD devroom Benny Siegert 30 Y
7763 AW1.121 Sat 01 11:00 12:00 01:00:00 0 Introduction to FreeNAS development John Hixson y 12 Y 1
7764 AW1.121 Sat 01 12:00 12:45 00:45:00 5 DTrace integration and quick start Veniamin Gvozdikov Y 4 R
7765 AW1.121 Sat 01 13:00 14:00 01:00:00 5 The EdgeBSD Project Pierre Pronchery 19 Y 2 R
7766 AW1.121 Sat 01 14:00 15:00 01:00:00 5 The DeforaOS desktop environment Pierre Pronchery Y 2 R
7767 AW1.121 Sat 01 15:00 15:45 00:45:00 5 Porting FreeBSD on Xen on ARM Julien Grall Y 4 R
7768 AW1.121 Sat 01 16:00 17:00 01:00:00 5 What's new in FreeBSD 10? Paul Schenkeveld Y 3 R
7769 AW1.121 Sat 01 17:00 18:00 01:00:00 5 FreeBSD: toward ports v2 Baptiste Daroussin Y 3 R
8018 AW1.121 Sun 02 09:45 10:00 00:15:00 5 Welcome to IoT Devroom Pieter Hintjens Y 4 R
8019 AW1.121 Sun 02 10:00 10:25 00:25:00 5 Flow-based programming for heterogeneous systems Jon Nordby Y 1 R
8020 AW1.121 Sun 02 10:30 10:55 00:25:00 5 OpenIoT John Soldatos Y 1 R
8021 AW1.121 Sun 02 11:00 11:25 00:25:00 5 Current State of IEEE 802.15.4/6LoWPAN Stack inside the Linux Kernel Alexander Aring Y 2 R
8022 AW1.121 Sun 02 11:30 11:55 00:25:00 5 Federating Access to IoT using OAuth Paul Fremantle Y 1 R
8023 AW1.121 Sun 02 12:00 12:25 00:25:00 5 XMPP in the world of IoT Joachim Lindborg Y 3 R
8024 AW1.121 Sun 02 12:30 12:55 00:25:00 5 LTE in your Linux-based system Aleksander Morgado Y 1 R
8025 AW1.121 Sun 02 13:00 13:25 00:25:00 5 The Fluksometer as an IoT hub Bart Van Der Meerssche Y 2 R
8026 AW1.121 Sun 02 13:30 13:55 00:25:00 5 PicoTCP Maxime Vincent Y 3 R
8027 AW1.121 Sun 02 14:00 14:25 00:25:00 5 OpenTRV: resource-constained computing: less is more Damon Hart-Davis Y 2 R
8028 AW1.121 Sun 02 14:30 16:30 02:00:00 1 Participant driven discussion 200 Y 2

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review